Home » Cult Leader Disappears With 100 People

Thursday Ageca, East Kyoga Police Spokesperson

Police in East Kyoga are investigating circumstances under which a religious cult went missing with at least 100 members in Serere District.



Speaking to journalists yesterday evening, police spokesperson East Kyoga on Thursday said that the sect members belonging to Christ Disciples Church (CDC) started missing in February 2023. Among those reported to have disappeared is Serere District Commercial Officer Simon Peter Opolot alongside his wife.



Police in particular are hunting for the leader of group Rev. Enyaku James and Augustine Orago who they believe are key parts in the investigations to assist in locating the exact whereabouts of the missing members.



“Premilinary findings indicate that the church allegedly convinced their members that God had a plan for them to go and spread the gospel in Ethiopia, an idea many seem to have accepted and vanished.” Mr. Ageca said.



It is reported that before they disappeared, each member was tasked to contribute Ugx. 2 Million for documentation and a bag of flour.



“They sold off their property like cattle, land and other household items to raise the money. Those who met the requirements were allegedly moved by the church leadership in Ethiopia.” He said.



Police by Thursday still had little information on the matter and a general file was opened at police, calling upon the public to report any kind of information.

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