Home » Chinese Man Invents A Kissing Device For Individuals In Long Distance Relationship

Chinese Man Invents A Kissing Device For Individuals In Long Distance Relationship

Chinese varsity graduate Jiang Zhongli has invented a kissing device where a singleton can tame loneliness and enjoy free kisses.


Zhongli invented the kissing device after battling loneliness that came about due to the long distance relationship he was in.


He says the long distance that stood in between him and the lover girl made him think more and came up with the idea of the kissing device.


In my university, I was in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend so we only contacted each other through phone. That’s where the inspiration of this device originated,” said Jiang Zhongli, the leading inventor of the design.


The kissing device which has silicon lips with pressure regulatory sensors and mimic real kisses, also regulates the movement of lips and temperature of the user’s lips.

Chinese ladies having kisses using the Kissing Device

For it to function, it is paired to a phone via a Bluetooth, phone’s charging port or its app installed in a phone.


After pairing the partner on the phone, one can start a video call and transmit a replica of the kisses to each other.


In 2016, Imagineering Institute in Malaysia launched a similar device named kissinger that also enables love loners to get solace via digital kisses.


Upon the invention of the Kissing Device in China, a lot of controversies have emerged where some claim the device is a threat to singles who had wished to start dating.


They claim many won’t solve love disputes amicably but rather will opt to the kissing device as special partners.


Others claim the device is bringing competition among lovers where some are bullied for not being good kissers.


Additionally, another section claim the device may spoil children at an early age for doing what the adults are supposed to do.

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