Home » Journalist Commits Suicide, Leaves Behind Shocking Suicide Note

Journalist Commits Suicide, Leaves Behind Shocking Suicide Note

Brian Kasibante

Residents in Rakai District are mourning the demise of popular journalist, Brian Kasibante who decided to take his own life.


It is said that Brian 26, who worked with local television station KBS TV drank about 30ml of paraquat, a toxic herbicide used in spraying weeds and grass and it disorganized his system. He was rushed to hospital for first aid but unfortunately he died around 1AM Wednesday morning at Masaka Referral Hospital.


His death was confirmed by the representative of the RDC Rakai district, Robert Kambugu who stated that the deceased had started soliciting money in false pretense before committing suicide.


Prior to his demise, Brian recorded a video with his final remarks thanking his family and friends. He also left behind a suicide note detailing how he wanted to be buried and the major reason why he did what he did. He warned people not to talk about him or mistreat his child.


“I have recorded this video to encourage my family to be strong. Please do not be dismayed by my death. Take my picture and keep it for my son. Show him all my work IDs and everything I own so that he knows I was a journalist. May he grow up remembering not to forget me.” Brian said in his farewell video as he thanked all the people that brought a positive change in his life.


One of his workmates Nicholas Kakeeto revealed that the deceased has been having constant fights with his two women and believes it may have triggered the suicide.


“He has been telling us stories of the disagreements with his wives, but we thought this was a simple matter and we ignored it. We learnt that he had drunk the herbicide to die, we were so shocked,” He said in a phone interview.


Nicholas further revealed how the late wrote notes advising police not to investigate the matter or arrest anyone since it was his decision to take his own life.


Below are the suicide notes loosely translated from Luganda.

Do not mistreat my son. Bury me near my child or my grandmother if there is no space. I forbid you from giving any speeches or talking about my past. Anyone who does so will know. I leave no heir behind so do not hold any last funeral rites for me. Do not do any stupid rituals on my body.” Read the first note.

“My name is Kasibante Brian, a journalist. I apologize for every wrong I have done on earth. I say my goodbyes thanking my mother Nalongo Namugumya Jane. I leave this earth without anyone killing me. It is all me. Do not arrest anyone because it is me who has killed myself.

I leave behind one child called Wiki Baganda. My lovely son please be strong.

Please treat my second wife well because she was as well behaved as my first wife. Give her transport to Kibaale for my burial if she can be present.I thank my mother for everything and all my friends.

To the police, do not bother to investigate my death.’’ Read part of the second note.

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