Home » Varsity Professor Fired For Posing A Question Promoting Incest

Prof. Khair Ul Bashar of Cosmats University in Islamabad was on 29th January, 2023 fired and blacklisted by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Pakistan for posing a question promoting incest.


On December, 2022, Prof. Bashar set an exam of English to his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering students which raised eye-brows in Pakistan to have gone against the Islamic law.


The essay given explained of two students; Judy and mark who were brother and sister traveling home but later engaged themselves in sex.


” Judy and Mark are brother and sister. They are traveling together in France on summer vacation from college.


” One night, they are staying alone in a cabin near the beach. They decide that it would be interesting if  they tried have fun and make love.


“At the very least, it would be a new experience for each of them. Judy was already taking birth control pills and Mark uses a condom too just to be safe.


“They both enjoy making love but they decide never to do it again. They keep that as a special secret which makes them feel even closer to each other” states the essay.

Statement of firing Prof. Khair|Photo Courtesy

The essay which the students were to come up with a 300- word answer including the introduction, body and conclusion, made the parents and students fume claiming it promotes incest.


It had required learners to give their answers basing on their views if they were like Mark and Judy what would they do in such a scenario.


As the case, the don professor was fired and blacklisted by the Ministry of Science and Technology to never step in any lecture hall around Pakistan.


The context of the question is highly objectionable and totally against the curriculum laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and caused unrest amongst the families of the students” the Federal Minister for Science and Technology said in a statement.


In Pakistan incest is an abomination  in the society and makes a person sinful before the creator. Prof. Bashar went against the doctrines of the society resulting to his firing.


Mr. Khair, lecturer (Vising Faculty) has been terminated w.e.f January, 2023 and also blacklisted for future employment at COSMATS University Islamabad (CUI)” Shahzad Ahmed, Manager, Cosmats University said in a statement.

Statement Of blacklisting Prof. Khair

Such like a controversial question was first set in an exam in 2000 by Prof. Jonathan Haidt of Virginia University to study on whether moral judgement were based on reason or on intuition and emotion.

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