Home » Man,21, Addicted To Masturbation Gets Help Through Billy Miya

Man,21, Addicted To Masturbation Gets Help Through Billy Miya

On 17th February, 2023, a 21-Year-Old man opened up on battling masturbation  for almost eight years.


“I desire to talk to you on something imenisumbua for a very long time sir. Am 21 years old and am in Nairobi. Please, I just beg for your guidance because I have never discussed it before with anyone, its now almost 8 years. I pray and plead for your help.”


He was open on his desire to quit the act which was draining him and derailing his success.


“I just want to get away of this thing. It’s really disturbing and making my life miserable and unenjoyable , siipendi kabisa. Your help will mean a lot to me. I just want the story of my life to change completely and succeed in life.”


I therefore took the post to my fans on my Facebook page to give their advices to my brother hoping that he would get lasting help.

However, in a post that attracted over 900 comments of fans urging him to pray, fast, seek for deliverance and always keep himself busy, he still confessed that he needed better help.


“Have gone through the comments Sir but bado. Hii kitu imeniaffect in excess. Adi nakusikiza radio maisha atleast nisikie ushauri leo. Am just begging in the name of God for better help. Hii kitu ilinianza class 5 na saii nkona miaka nne toka nifanye kidato cha nne. Mimi ni kama mtoto wako sasa. Nisaidie kama baba mzazi.”


I therefore connected him to two mentors who he says are guiding him through and he hopes his life will change and get better.


“Have met these two great people ambao uliwapea my number. I just want to say thank you Sir Billy because they are really helping me. I met them on Sunday around South B apa Nairobi and they are really good mentors.”


Being jobless, he is now appealing to anyone who can help him secure a job entailing any supervision role to keep him busy so as to heal completely.


According to health experts excessive masturbation can lead to fatigue, general body weakness, early ejaculation, may also inhibit sexual activities with your partner, injury to the penis, vision changes, lower back pain, testicular pain and hair loss.

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