Home » Taliban Ban Sale Of Contraceptives

The Taliban have reportedly banned the sale of contraceptives which they term as western conspiracy to control the Muslim population”


According to reports by the Guardian, the Taliban have been making door-to-door visits, threatening midwives and ordering pharmacies against the sale of birth control medicines and devices.


The Taliban who took over power in August 2021, makes this their latest attack on women’s rights. The group so far banned higher education for girls, closed down universities for women, forced women out of their jobs and restricted their movements outside their homes.


“They came to my store twice with guns and threatened me not to keep contraceptive pills for sale. They are regularly checking every pharmacy in Kabul and we have stopped selling the products,” a store owner told The Guardian.


As the Guardian further reports, a Taliban commander reportedly threatened a midwife.


“You are not allowed to go outside and promote the western concept of controlling the population and this is unnecessary work,”


“Items such as birth control pills and Depo-Provera injections are no longer allowed to be kept in the pharmacy since the start of this month, and we are too afraid to sell the existing stock,” a shop owner in Kabul told the Guardian

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