Home » Baby Born With 6cm Long Tail

A Brazilian baby girl has left medical practitioners in shock after being born with a 6cm long tail.


The child’s condition which the doctors have identified as Spina bifida, was born with a human pseudo- tail at a children’s hospital in Sao Paulo.


Spina bifida is a birth defect condition where a baby’s spinal cord doesn’t develop properly.


From the pictorials published on Journal of Paediatric Surgery Case Reports, the baby girl went through surgery and her abnormal condition corrected.


After the surgery, doctors from Grendaac, a children’s hospital in Sao Paulo said the human pseudo-tail generated up from the lumbosacral region, an area that connects the spine and the pelvis, had a hole at its genesis.


The medics however diagnosed the condition as human pseudo-tail and added that the defect is caused by tumour or spinal problems.


The pseudo – tail unlike real a tail, had no bones and development tissues but the condition’s correction was done through surgery.


Researchers from the Centre for Fetal and Placental Research in Ohio studied the case alongside Brazilian doctors and related the condition with another child born in Mexico 2022, who had her condition nearly close to a real human tail.


The researchers and doctors said the pseudo -tail conditions are rare conditions that causes mental stigma to both parents and a child in case they are not examined carefully and corrected.


Fetal caudal appendages are associated with spinal dysraphisms (spina bifida), and its presence therefore mandates careful screening for underlying spinal cord defects.


Identifying of the numerous possible associated anomalies is critical to plan the correct treatment and offer good quality counseling” the medical practitioners’ team said.


After a successful surgery, the pseudo -tail was removed at the lumbo-sacral region and the hole closed.

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