Home » Pastor Dies After Attempting To Fast For 40 Days

Pastor Dies After Attempting To Fast For 40 Days

Pastor Barajah/photo courtesy of Barajah family/

A pastor,39, in Mozambique who is also French teacher, has passed on after trying to fast for 40 days like Jesus did in the Holy scriptures.


The pastor, Francisco Baraja who is the founder of Santa Trindade Evangelical Church, was pronounced dead in an hospital in  Beira where he had been taken for treatment after going for 25 days without food or water.


Despite not wanting to visit any hospital, Fransisco was taken to hospital by his relatives, since he had lost weight to a point where he could no longer stand up.


At the hospital, he was diagnosed with failure of  digestive organs and acute anaemia.


He was rehydrated with serums and attempts to introduce him to liquid foods failed as it was too late thus succumbing on Wednesday.

Remember, it is not the first time a man passes on in their attempt to fast for 40 days. In 2015, a Zimbabwean man died after  30 days as another a woman died half-way through a similar fast in London in 2006.

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