Home » Authorities Warn Public On Rampant Night Robberies, Murders

Authorities Warn Public On Rampant Night Robberies, Murders

The Entebbe Express Highway

Uganda Revenue Authority (UNRA) has issued a strong warning to netizens against using the Entebbe Express Highway at night and on foot to curb robberies and murders that have become rampant on this road.



The warning comes shortly after Kampala businessman, Ntale Edward appeared in a video detailing how he was attacked by unknown goons at around 1AM on Friday night. In the video shared on social media, Edward narrated how he had driven through the Entebbe Express highway to meet up with a friend on the other side.


Unfortunately, his car broke down and chose to foot the remaining distance but got attacked by the goons. They took advantage of the fact that this particular spot is isolated but he was luckily saved by security guards nearby.


“I was attacked by six men and decided to cross the road and jump in the nearby swamp near the bridge. I entered the water and they came after me because they wanted everything that I had on me.”



UNRA spokesman Allan Ssempebwa warned Ugandans to avoid using the Express highway especially without cars lest they risk Edward’s fate. He however pointed out that the Ministry of Works and Transport is in touch with UNRA to create safety measures like night patrols and street lights along the road.

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