Home » Woman Loses Eyesight After Using A Smartphone In Darkness

In the advent revolution in the field of technology, many have become addicted to electronic gadgets especially phones and computers.


The use of the gadgets for communication, work and socialization has resulted to uncountable health effects without great control.


Among the youth, many are now social media addicts and can’t do without smartphones. In a pocket of a youth, there exists a phone, charger and earphones.


Some play loud music on their earphones which has made them lose hearing. Others have become incompetent at work because of phone addiction.


Manju, a 30- year – old beautician after losing her job, she became addicted to her phone which later made her lose her eyesight.


In a Twitter thread by Dr. Sudhir Kumar, the medical practitioner said that Manju was addicted to her phone and rarely stayed without fondling her smartphone.


As the case, his client, Manju contradicted Smartphone Vision Syndrome (SVS) a health defect brought about by the use of a smartphone in darkness.


A 30-year old Manju had severe disabling vision symptoms for one and half years. This included seeing floaters, bright flashes of light, dark zig zag lines and at times inability to see or focus on objects.


” There were moments when she could not see anything for several seconds. This occurred mostly at nights when she got up to use washroom” says Dr. Kumar.


As the case, the neurological doctor offered her medication to restore her eyesight and also advising her not to use her phone regularly.


“At 1-month review, Manju was absolutely fine. Her vision impairment of 18 months had gone. Now, she had normal eyesight, did not see any floaters or flashes of light. Moreover, her momentary loss of vision at nights also stopped” reads Dr. Kumar’s Twitter thread.


In response to the adherence of minimizing phone use, Manju said she’ll stop using her gadget unless it’s necessary.


“Instead of minimizing, I will stop looking at smartphone screen, unless absolutely necessary. In any case, my phone use is recreational” says the Hyderabad Indian Manju


According to Sagepub Journal Research, Smartphone Vision Syndrome and Computer Vision Syndrome, are major eyesight defects currently reported among the youth.


Cases of transient smartphone-induced blindness have been reported in people using smartphones on bed in darkness. In 2022, 66% of the electronic users in India were reported to have computer vision syndrome (CVS).


Among the female, improper body posturing, use of electronics devices out of work, no habit of taking a break, long-hour duration of visual display terminal use & short-distance screen were associated with increased odds of CVS


Dr. Dr Sudhir Kumar however advises people to avoid looking at the computers and phones for long to curb eyesight health defects and people to take 20-second break every 20 min to look at something 20 feet away, while using a digital screen (20-20-20 rule).


He also notes that spectral peaks for smartphones damage the retina causing blurring.


Spectral peaks for smartphones are very similar to short-wavelength blue visible light. Damage to retina caused by light, especially blue light is well-established.


A case of retina damage causing blurring of vision in both eyes due to smartphone use at nights was reported” Dr Sudhir Kumar notes.

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