Home » US Embassy Issues Security Alert To Its Citizens In Nairobi

US Embassy Issues Security Alert To Its Citizens In Nairobi

The US Embassy based in Nairobi has issued a security alert to its citizens citing possible terror attack in Kenya.


The Embassy mentions Nairobi and other areas frequently visited areas by tourists as target regions by terrorists warning their citizens to be vigilant.


“Locations frequented by U.S. citizens and other foreigners and tourists in Nairobi and elsewhere in Kenya continue to be attractive targets to terrorists planning to conduct potentially imminent attacks.  Terrorist groups could attack with little or no warning, targeting hotels, embassies, restaurants, malls and markets, schools, police stations, places of worship, and other places frequented by foreigners and tourists.  The government of Kenya has increased counterterrorism patrols.”


The embassy further advises its Citizens to take a couple actions


“Exercise vigilance at locations frequented by tourists/foreigners, review your personal security plans, be aware of your surroundings and monitor local media for updates”

The National police service however advices Kenyans to be calm as the officers are alert.

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