Home » Google CEO Launches ChatGPT Rival, Bard

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai has launched a chatbot ChatGPT rival, Bard.


Bard which is builted on Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), will be working as an Artificial Intelligence tool to give responses to googlers by first assessing the information from the web.


Addressing the public via Google blog, Mr. Pichai say Bard will be sourcing information from the existing published content on website to give answers to its clients.


“We’ve been working on an experimental conversational AI service, powered by LaMDA, that we’re calling Bard. And today, we’re taking another step forward by opening it up to trusted testers ahead of making it more widely available to the public in the coming weeks” says Sundar.


Bard, the lightweight model version of LaMDA, is characterized by its smallness and consumption of less computing power to reach more users.


The Google AI, Bard which was invented two years ago, has been under re-invention following public views which halted it’s launch after undergoing several tests.


It was alleged the tech tool gave wrong answers and promoted racism on Google’s search. As the case, it was halted to give more room for re-invention.


In as much as Microsoft’s chatbot, ChatGPT also gives wrong answers in some situation like dating its information from 2021 backwards, Bard is much preference for it gives answers by analysing it’s search from the web.


Just like ChatGPT, Bard is also a conversational tool and will be a major rival to ChatGPT. Mr. Pichai has now released it to the public for tests as he look forward to feedbacks from users and ensure, racism and false answers are corrected for its effectiveness.


This much smaller model requires significantly less computing power, enabling us to scale to more users, allowing for more feedback.


” We’ll combine external feedback with our own internal testing to make sure Bard’s responses meet a high bar for quality, safety and groundedness in real-world information. We’re excited for this phase of testing to help us continue to learn and improve Bard’s quality and speed” says Mr. Pichai.


Last month, Google CEO axed 8000 employees across all the departments at Google’s headquarters, San- Francisco, USA which he said, he’s looking forward to adapt to new technology which is currently the AI tool, Bard.


Sundar said Google had invested much in the AI to increase service delivery and making the work efficient.


The launched AI tool builted in the existing LaMDA, will be drawing information from the web to provide fresh and high quality responses.


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