Home » Parliamentarians Promise To Revive KBC

Parliamentarians have pledged to breathe life into the Kenya Broadcasting House, KBC to be the leading media house in Kenya.


Following MCK C.E.O David Omwoyo’s remarks that KBC is in dire need, the legislatures in agreement said they need to fund the broadcasting house.


“KBC kituo cha Baba na Mama is in dire need, its needs to be resuscitated,” Omwoyo said.

Led by the chair of the National Assembly ICT  committee Mr John Kiarie, the MPs agreed that they really need to fund KBC.


Likoni MP Mishi Mboko and the leader of the majority Kimani Ichungwa said KBC needs to be resuscitated.

However, Mr Ichungwa wondered why the Media Council of Kenya has failed to rein in on particular media houses and vernacular journalists that incited Kenyans during last year’s general elections.

He claimed the vernacular radio stations were particular where journalists  incited ethnic hatred, profiling ethnicity on air and saying unpalatable things.

Mr Ichungwa singled out Kameme and Inooro FM saying their journalists were outrightly inciting Kenyans during the electioneering.

Complaints were lodged before MCK. But you seem to be completely  incompetent on what you can do to media stations. Do you have powers?  Or is there anything National Assembly can do in terms of legislation to ensure you get teeth to bite?” he asked.

He further asked MCK to reveal to Kenyans how they can identify accredited journalists to weed out quacks in the industry.

How do we know accredited journalists and who is not?  You can be confronted by 200 people claiming to be journalists armed with phones and pens. You don’t seem to be enforcing the issue of accreditation and having a serial number like police officers that could tell an accredited journalist?” he asked.

Kathiani MP Robert Mbui narrated how during his first term in parliament, journalists labeled him a dump politician in parliament despite Hansard’s report showing the contrary.

“The report went out and people had already bashed me. When I confronted the reporter, he said I was not regular/common in the house,” he said.

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