Home » Native Doctor Die By Suicide After Wife Married Another Man

A native doctor is  reported to have died by suicide after his wife married another man.


According to police reports, Joseph Mwigo drowned himself in a fish pond belonging to Ahmed Kambo after having domestic issues with his wife.


It’s reported that on December 27, 2022, Mwigo took poison and got admitted at Busolwe Hospital where he was discharged after recovery.


“It is noted that the wife having gotten married to one of the residents in the neighboring communities prompted the deceased to first take poison. He was admitted at Busolwe Hospital on December 27, 2022 from where he recovered before he was discharged.


“After recovering from self-poisoning, he decided to drown himself in the fish pond,” Mr Moses Mugwe a regional police spokesperson at Bukedi reports.


Further, police investigations reports the deceased, a resident of Butaleja in Uganda became visually impaired over a year ago and has been threatening to commit suicide.


Mr Mugwe has additionally remarked that people should not let themselves wallow in stress and depression but rather share their social issues and get helped.


The deceased body is now at Mbale City Mortuary, waiting for postmortem.

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