Home » Prof. Magoha, A Cremé De La Cremé Intelligentsia Who Lived

Born George Albert Omore Magoha seven decades ago in Kisumu County, the cum cremé de la cremé intelligentsia meant business in whatever he did.


His stellar and candid prowess enigma in the field of academia, saw him transiting from one level to another.


Just before he sent his last remarks to his brother Prof. Richard Alex Nyabera Magoha, now in the cold fridge floors of a morgue, suddenly he won’t say his last words.


The now late professor, holds a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery with a specialization in Urology from University of Lagos in Nigeria, University of Ibadan.


Royal Postgraduate Medical School in UK and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He served as a former education cabinet secretary during Uhuru’s regime, Chairman of KNEC and former Vice Chancellor of UON.


Until his death, he was working as a Professor of Surgery at the University of Nairobi’s College of Health Sciences and Consultant Urologist at Kenyatta National Hospital.


Further, the late professor had been appointed a Professor of Surgery at Maseno University School of Medicine. However, he succumbed to cardiac arrest on Tuesday, 24, 2023.


Prof. Magoha collapsed at home and rushed to the Nairobi Hospital A& E( Accident and Emergency) but the medical practitioner’s efforts to resuscitate him went unsuccessful as confirmed by James Nyamongo, CEO, Nairobi Hospital.


The 71- year- old, academician with a 91- paged curriculum vitae, was husband to a scholar, Dr. Odudu Barbra Magoha and a son, Michael Augustus Achianja Magoha.


Dr. O. Barbra Magoha born in Nigeria, holds a Bachelors Degree in Medicine at University of Lagos in Nigeria and Masters of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from University of Nairobi.


She currently works as a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Kenyatta National Hospital and a medicine lecturer at the University of Nairobi, her alma mater.


The son, Michael Achianja, holds a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery with a specialization in Neurosurgery from the University of Nairobi. He currently doubles as a Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery at UoN and a consulting surgeon at Kenyatta National Hospital.


Memories and Condolences


Professor Magoha is remembered in his stand at work as a firm and focused academician who rarely laughed. The UoN students while there, nicknamed him a ” Buffalo. ”


As a Cabinet Secretary, Education, he never joke with education. His era marked the production of genuinely KCSE results and birth of CBC- Competency Based Curriculum.


” I cannot transfer teachers or demote them because pupils failed to pass an examination. Some of those pupils got exact marks their parents got some years back. Africans are fond of inheriting their parents’ wealth. If they inherit their brains too let it be so.” Prof. George Magoha on delocalization of teachers.


As the public led by President William Ruto and former Prime Minister, Hon. Raila Odinga, they have mourned the late CS, education as a competent and focused leader who showed good results at work.


Hon. Babu Owino, Embakasi East Member of Parliament and former student leader at the University of Nairobi during the reign of Prof. Magoha, has mourned the scholar by recalling his last words imbibed to him by the late.


” REST IN POWER PROFESSOR. Grief is just love with no place to go.You will be with whom you love Professor. To Him we belong and to Him we return” mourns the legislature.


” Babu you are tried and tested and you can be anything in this country. Go and save this country” Prof Magoha’s words to Babu Owino.

“That’s what you told me Prof when I graduated from the University Of Nairobi. You were the ONLY BEST DECISION Uhuru Kenyatta made during his tenure” Babu Owino recounts.

KUPPET secretary general on the other hand, has mourned the elite for his unparalleled and stellar leadership in his field of academia.


” Prof. Magoha’s contributions to Kenya’s educational development as a medical lecturer, university vice chancellor, national examinations administrator and cabinet secretary for education were unparalleled.


“In all these roles, he demonstrated a high level of discipline, integrity and leadership that changed our education for the better. He taught us that positive transformation is possible, if we dedicate ourselves to the service of our country and humanity” Akelo M. T. Misori, KUPPET Secretary General.


Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Chief Executive has recalled the late Professor as a supportive scholar during his tenure


” Prof Magoha was exceptionally supportive of the curriculum development and reform process. He had deep insights in the CBC and did all to enhance its implementation. We appreciate his forthright guidance and leadership in Education.


” He always demanded clarity of thought and plan for action, chastised wavering but also – behind the scenes – encouraged, empathized and counseled. He maintained and required the highest level of integrity and protected officers against coercion” Prof. Charles Ong’ondo, CEO- KICD says.


From the Ministry of Education, Cabinet Secretary, Ezekiel Machogu also has had more to elude about the late Prof. Magoha.


” Professor Magoha was not just my predecessor as Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Education. He was also a friend and colleague that I have known for a long time, and to whom I looked up to for advice.


” Professor Magoha’s death has robbed the nation of a consummate and dedicated public servant whose contributions in the medical and education fields will remain indelible. In addition to his work in the medical field as a urologist.


As an administrator in the education sector, he will be remembered for his transformational leadership at the University of Nairobi where he served as Vice Chancellor for ten years from 2005 to 2015, and at the Kenya National Examinations Council where he was Chairperson from 2016 to 2019. As the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Professor Magoha initiated landmark reforms in the education sector, ” CS Ezekiel Machogu

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