Home » Magoha’s Last Moments Revealed

Magoha and his wife


Professor George Magoha’s last moments have been revealed by His closest Ally Professor Walter Amwanda.

Speaking to the Press at Lee Funeral Home Professor Amwanda notes That Magoha (71) had Made Peace with himself and knew he was going to Die and thus instructed his wife to call his son and daughter-in-law.
“He had a premonition and told his wife, I suppose you will get it from her, that his time had come and he was happy that everything was done He then asked her to call the son and the daughter-in-law,” said Prof Mwanda.
However, he did not indicate the conversation Magoha had with his son before he collapsed at home.
According to Mwanda, Magoha’s wife called him on Tuesday at around 3 pm.
“I was at KNH. After I had left the hospital she called again and asked if I had a blood pressure machine, I went back and got it.
“At his house, I was left with the attendants. I found him seated on his chair, he even greeted me and told me ‘you have come’” narrated Mwanda.
Mwanda said that they then set off for a journey to Nairobi Hospital. On the way he collapsed and his son who is also a medical doctor resuscitated him
Mwanda mourned Magoha as a diligent friend who came second to none.
“In all aspects, he was second to none in every responsibility he undertook. He did his work diligently,” he noted.
The former CS died while receiving treatment at Nairobi Hospital. His body was transferred to the Lee Funeral Home.

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