Home » HUSTLE: Booming Businesses Around Campus
You may be currently thinking what kind of a business you can start this new year and do best but here is a great chunking information that you need not to worry.
First things first, have you thought of any higher learning institution around you? Your great answer is here towards your new year resolution.
Salon and Barber’s Shop
Unlike some eons back, currently; hair braiding and blow-dry is done by both female and male. It’s the current trend. More so, those who shave are still there like me. Salon and Barber shop is a very nice gig. Just a small space and working tools then boom! You start smiling like Dangote. The gig is manageable and requires less amount of money to start.
Online Writing
Currently, freelance writers have not to worry. Add blogging. With the available free college WiFi, students are working online on platforms like Upwork, fiver among others. Freelancing requires just a smartphone or a laptop because there’s already an internet. With these, one starts smiling all the way to the Mpesa or bank. Just commitment and all ends well.
A photo Studio
Love navigation on campus is high. Talk about birthdays too. College students love photoshoots. With a nice photo studio and camera(s). You can’t sleep empty stomach. You can even be a door to door camera. What a nice hustle!
PS4 and Pool Table 
These games are awesome. Talk of coolkids. This is where you’ll get most of them. With a PS4 screen and a Pool Table, you are ok to fetch money from college students. It’s not expensive to start and take it as your side hustle or serious hustle.
Youth love entertainment. They love movies and games especially the European football. On games, the hearts of many lies here. If the campus hall is small, which fan of Chelsea or Manchester would miss the match between Chelsea Vs Manchester ? Your thought as mine. About movies, whether you have a laptop or a nice phone with series, sometime watching series solo is boring and the video hall become the solution.
Selling of Chips and Mtura
Kata ya mbao. Ongeza ingine ya mbao. Imebaki ngapi ? Funga ya chwani sasa then leta change. ‘ Within 5 – 10 mins, you’ve fished Ksh 100 bob from a comrade. Ladies love chips. ‘ Beib, that chipo smells so nice!’ Then boom! The man buys a worthy Ksh 100 chips for his lover girl.
Food Cafe
Who can punish the stomach yet there’s money ? Hunger knows no man. Recognizes no queen or king. Tight lectures, exam time, a visit or walk with a friend; makes one buy food. Chapati, mandazi and cakes are always on a high demand. Most comrades prefer buying than cooking for themselves. For cakes;  birthdays, parties and bashes are many on campus. Just daily and much over the weekend. Try this and never regret.
Cyber Cafe
Where would a college student photocopy or print the assignment if not in the cyber cafe ? Cyber pays a lot. Say photocopying of handouts, printing exam cards and assignments, filling KRA, applying for Helb awesome! Here, daily; you must earn though requires some nice money to install it. It nearly resemble an Mpesa during installation.
Who’ll sleep empty stomach yet we have vegetables, grains or fruits to make a balance diet ? College students love fruits too especially oranges, pineapples and watermelon. Grocery is the soul of a comrade’s health.
Hawking lollipops and boiled eggs, selling of ”mtumba (used clothes) and doing laundry are also great hustles around campus. They pay. But all these hustles, would only boom according to ones input. Shoot your shot and get your account pregnant. The year is still too young.

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