Home » Muslims Launch Fatwa Council

Muslim in Kenya have today 22nd Jan 2023 launched the Fatwa Council in a bid to help the community interpret difficult laws and controversies affecting the Muslim in Kenya.

Fatwā is a legal ruling on a point of Islamic law (sharia) given by a qualified Faqih (Islamic jurist) in response to a question posed by a private individual, judge or government.

Section Of Muslim scholars during the event

According to council chairman Ahmad Ahmad Badawy Jamalulleil, Fatwa will work with the existing institution to ensure smooth operation and foster good co existing amongst them.

‘’ The council is open to working with other institution that are already in place including the umbrella Muslim body SUPKEM,CIPK, The Kadhis court and other notable Muslim bodies and revered Muslim scholars. We open our arms to embrace them especially in matters aforementioned’’ said Badawy.

The council will also assist the Kadhis and the chief Kadhi office on matters moon sighting. It will also work closely with the east African moon sighting commission and will always on call whenever their service is needed.

‘’Remember we have the modern tools and equipment of that were acquired recently’’ added Badawy.

Council Vice Chairman Sheikh Hammad Kassim, noted that rulings concerning Muslims known as ‘Fatwa’ needs to be dicided by a central body hence the reason behind formation of the council.

“The lack of regulated, recognized and centralized body for issuing Fatwas means that this field was opened up for extremist elements to infiltrate and spread their ideas centered around hatred and marginalization.  Kenya Fatwa Council has now been set-up to fulfill such a role,” said  Sheikh Hammad.

The body will also act as peace marker and an ideal institution that always consult and get the right rulings on Islamic matters.

The inaugural launch was graced by Mufti’s representatives from Tanzania, Rwanda, Zanzibar, Uganda, Burundi and Ethiopia.

Also in attendance were Chairman Muslim Scholars Somali, Former Chief Kadhi Hammad Qassim, Suleiman Shahbal, EALA MP and Hon Junet Muhammad, MP Suna East.

Mufti is a jurist issuing fatwas.

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