Home » Cancer Patient Sends Heartbreaking Message To Safaricom
A cancer patient identified as Maurice Ochieng  sends an heartbreaking and sad message to Safaricom. The man from Muhoroni Town  describing himself as a dying man, requests Safaricom to take care of her Daughter’s education once he is gone.
‘My young Doughter Britney Dova is still young she has not started shool yet i was planning but i am sorry i have failed as a dad.I am appealing to you just help my daughter once i am gone because i can feel it,’ read part of his message.
In his message, long battle and struggles with the disease is notable. The young man recounts losing left arm and draining his saving in quest for treatment. As it seems, he is left with nothing as he notes living with the help of friends.
‘I had been saving so that i take my small family to a vacation but i have been drained i cant.Had my left arm chopped off but still the cancer metastased. I am living with the help of friends,’ he further states
The young man who went ahead to provide his contacts is now requesting Safaricom to help the daughter or take him to a vacation.
‘Iam appealing to you just help my daughter once i am gone because i can feel it or maybe treat us to a once in a lifetime ride i will appreciate so much,’ he wrote
He was diagnosed with cancer in March last year and it has been eating him up  since then.

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