Tanzanian Tycoon Gifts Mandonga ‘’Mtu Kazi’’ a Car

Karim Mandonga declared winner at KICC Arena/file footage/
Celebrated Tanzanian pugilist Karim Mandonga ‘’Mtu kazi’’ is on cloud nine after receiving a car gift
from a Tanzanian tycoon.
Mandonga jetted back into his home country after defeating Kenya’s Daniel Wanyonyi and was
looking forward to receiving the car gift after being promised should he win against Kenyan boxer, which
he definitely did.
“Nakumbuka kabla sijatoka Tanzania kuna wakati ambao nilipata ahadi kutoka kwa Mkurugenzi
Dicksound na aliweza kunieleza ‘Karim Mandonga mtu kazi ni bondia pekee ambaye unanipa
burudani kusababisha mpaka mimi kunishawishi kuupenda mchezo wa boxing kwa kweli siku hiyo
naongea na bosi nilimwambia bosi bwana mimi nimepata mechi nje ya nchi naenda kucheza mara ya
kwanza naenda kucheza nchini kenya…nataka nikuahidi kitu leo Mandonga ukitoka Tanzania hapa
unaenda kupigana Kenya naomba nchini Kenya upambane kwa juhudi zote uipiganie taifa jua kabisa
Tanzania kuna bosi anaitwa Dick sound ambaye kakuahidi atakuja kukupa gari,” Mandonga narrated
According to Dickson (the tycoon), he was drawn to Mandonga’s ‘’never die spirit’’ which means
whether he wins or loses a match, Mandonga’s mouth would still chatter. He didn’t mind the negative
energy thrown that came across his way with some referring to him as a comedian masquerading as
a boxer. He always looked forward to bettering himself something that has won him massive
“Nilikuwa naona zile hamasa zake, juhudi zake wakati akiwa anafanya zile harakati zake lakini kwanza
nikaamini kwamba huyu ni mtu wa design gani ambaye anapigwa lakini bado yeye haamini kama
yeye anapigwa na muda mwingi anajiamini akiwa jukwaani “Explained Dickson.
Before Mandonga took to the ring, news of his thrashing had already flooded social media reaching
the ears of Dickson who had promised Mandonga the car. He had to inquire from Mandonga himself
who termed the news as not true.
“Kweli kule kule kwanza zikatembea clip kashapigwa nikamwambia mkubwa sasa umeniangusha
akasema hizo uongo mimi ndio nataka nipande” reminisced Dickson.
The businessman who runs an entertainment venture handed Mandonga the seven seater car –
Nadia, and called other well-wishers to support sportsmen in reaching their full potential.
Mandonga stated that his time squeezing himself in Uber’s was long gone, he thanked the
businessman for the lifetime gift.He maintained that he knows how to drive flashing out his driver’s