Home » Man Kick out Bae from House, Then Partnered with the Her Boyfriend to Start Business

By Kevin Sewe.

Two Men who were Feasting on one lady, collaborate and chase the lady the star

A man identified as Daniel Oketch, kicked out his girlfriend from his house and opted to start a
business partnership with another man who was also feasting on the said lady who he was also
paying her bill

Oketch claims he had taken a loan to furnish the house to suit the standards of the woman he was
dating, who was also his workmate.

To his shock, Mr oketch came face to face with reality after finding out that there was another man
responsible for the rent in the house he was furnishing

However, instead of fighting each other on believing that he had been seeing his girlfriend, Oketch
and the man chose an unthinkable route. The two teamed up and kicked out the woman from ‘their’

‘’I took a loan to furnish a house for a female workmate I was dating. One day Ifound a man in the
house. He was the one paying rent, he also realized Iwas the one who had furnished the house. We
didn’t fight, instead we resolved to kick the lady out of “our” house with her few belongings.” Said
Oketch in a later dated, January 8, 2023

screen grab from Daniel Oketch timeline.

The two ‘’friends’’ later decided to convert the residence into an Airbnb bringing in profits, thus
beginning a business partnership with a stranger whose fight between them might have had serious

‘’Later we decided to convert into an Airbnb, and that is how a business partnership with a stranger I
could have fought started. After successfully converting a few more houses into airbnbs, we are in
the process of leasing a 3 storey bedsitter apartment and transforming it into airbnbs. With much
more money than I had then, I can no longer use money to please women. NEVAAAA!’’ concluded

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