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“He Never Fails”: Kambua Encourages Women Trying To Have Children In Vain

Kambua Encourages Women Trying To Have Children In Vain

Kambua shared a photo of her two kids holding hands saying she once dreamt of that.

Renowned Gospel singer Kambua Muziki has encouraged women trying to have children in vain to keep on seeking God.

Kambua shared her journey of trying to conceive for many years in futile while trusting in God. She reminded ladies not to forget Jesus’ track record of doing good as they await for him.She took to her Instagram page to share the encouraging words telling women to trust in God because he never fails. She shared a photo of her two kids holding hands saying she once dreamt of that.

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“This was once a dream for me. God made it a reality. He did it bigger and better than I imagined. I’m sharing this to encourage anyone of you in the waiting room. I know the pain, disappointments the heartache and heartbreak. But more importantly, God knows it.Jehovah El-Roi who saw a slave girl in the wilderness, sees you too.”

“It might not seem like that, but he is working on your case. No pain in Him is waisted. He causes it all work for his glory. I’m also writing this to remind anyone who might have forgotten that Jesus has a track record of doing good. He never fails. So hold your head high beloved. Ngai niokaga!” she wrote.

Kambua motivated women to wait on God despite the pain and disappointments they go through in the waiting room. She stated that He has a reason for everything and when He blesses someone he does it bigger and better.

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The mother of two was blessed with her firstborn son after 7 years in marriage. Herr words serve as a living testimony of God’s work.

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