Home » Why you should start now

By Roselyne Awiti

Many at times we get ideas that remain unutilized for a long time or even for life. It is not because the ideas are bad but our fear for the  unknown makes implementation impossible. However, it is quite unfortunate or fortunate to tell you that you starting to implement such ideas might be the beginning of changing your life for the better.

Unfortunate because for now you might have forgotten about  or abandoned the idea and fortunate because it is never too late.

Come to think of it, how many potential business ideas have you had but didn’t start up?  Maybe you worked and got the cash for your capital but the thought of losing your hard earned cash made you refrain from implementation. Or discouragement from your trusted friends was a major contribution?

The fear

Them asking you whether you will manage or not, where you are going to get clients and how you will manage it taking into consideration your busy work schedule will most likely see you back off. Amidst the discouragements comes a dream of thieves breaking into your shop. Because of he fear you already have, you treat this as a foreshadow and let the idea die before birth. 

Well it is not always easy to start something from scratch. Picking up from where somebody has left it is easier. Let me use a practical example; you are to move into a new house and start a new life then somebody offers you a house he/she was once living in. which between the two would you prefer? 

I bet you will go for the one offered to you. Not because you cannot afford the new house but because of the cost and other personal reasons best known to you.

That said, do you know why you should rub off the fear and start? Keep reading!

Why should you start?

Everything you see today had to be started

As human nature, you will always see good things and wish they were your own. Talk of an empire, successful business or even successful marriages. It’s quite sad that without starting the idea you have you won’t reach where they are.

Starting is the underlying factor and the determinant of the success you are wishing for. Let not the fear of failing overpower you. If you fail, take the lessons and move forward. If you succeed, Kudos! That was your goal after all

You’re postponing your success

Failing to implement an idea is just a postponement of your success journey. Let’s say you have had ten ideas that have not reached the start up stage. Those are ten lessons unlearnt (if they were to fail) or success delayed if any of them would sail through.

 When are you going to put your lessons into practice? That time is going and with you also aging, you might realize the success at later ages which would give you no pride as it would have done in your hay days.

No harm in trying

You have heard of the trial and error method right? This method is mainly applied when you aren’t sure of what you are doing. However, sometimes it can be more effective  than you thought. With lots of doubt in mind, just try with the possibility of it not working at the back of your mind to avoid stress and shock that may result from the unexpected failure.

You’ll have to start

At one point you’ll have to be bold and start up something even if it’s not what you think of right now. Things will change; economy will be tough, you might lose your only source of income or your rich relatives giving you financial support will get tired of it.

At this point, you will have to start up something to ensure life goes. Therefore running away from starting simply is postponing your start-up day and date.

In conclusion, starting is a prerequisite for your success. Overcome your fears, avoid excuses and your postponement habits, start now and you will certainly sail through into your desired success.

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