Home » Financial Mistakes Being Made This Festive Season

Financial Mistakes Being Made This Festive Season

Hosea Namachanja

Lifestyle : Financial Mistakes Being Made This Festive Season

Have you ever asked yourself why on every festive season, all employees in both private and public firms usually request for a leave even if it’s a 3 – day break ?

December is a festive season where even the jobless villagers fancy making merry. They care less whether they have money or not. When spending, what runs in their mind is today and not tomorrow.

However, the later fruits of the festive are ever stressful. That’s the period some report to jobs late and bump on job termination letters from HRs or managers. Let’s have a look at the mistakes.

  1. Lifestyle

With the bloom and booming economic dynamism in our contemporary society, whether married or unmarried, people are tending to prove to the society that they have money. As the case, spending unintentionally as a show off.

On campus for instance, there exists a phrase ‘ when a poor man gets some little money, his mind go in ten different directions. ‘ This is for the case of many this festive season. They want to taste everything ranging from meals, clothing and travels.

In the village for those who love drinks, no day they’re missing a drink. Those used to chromes in the city, are now going for Jack Daniels and Blue Moons. When called ‘kiongos’, pap! A note is dished out.

Some from the day they got a leave from work, haven’t tasted ‘ greens’. A foot walk is now a no go zone. They are preferring motorbikes and those with vehicles, can’t leave the machine behind.

  1. Shopping without a Shopping List

In case you’ve gone to a supermarket this festive season, I would like to ask you. How many people have you seen with a shopping list ? Leave alone the supermarket. Talk of an open air market.

Many people are buying unplanned things until they reach at home and realize, oh, ‘ I forgot to buy a broom and a sieve ‘. Unfortunately, maybe these two things are the ones that took the person to the market.

  1. Organizing for an Unplanned or Unnecessary Parties/ Ceremonies

It’s on this festive season that people love parties. Talk of alumni parties, workmate parties, clan come together ceremonies among others. It’s not bad to party or celebrate but there must be a plan to organize them. Because of failure to plan, bulls and goats are facing knives for an event(s)that deserves 3 – 4kgs of meat.

  1. Financial Unaccountability After Expenditure

This is where many Nairobians especially the youth lie. When the festive will have ended, most of them will be selling their electronic gadgets to get fare back to city. Others, will eye on house properties like stored maize and sell. A few, will sell animals like sheep.

When transacting money now, many are not accounting for the transactions. The moment they’ll bump on firm memos via WhatsApp or text message, that’s when they’ll check what is in their accounts. Unluckily, if they have school going children, that’s when regrets will start. Call it financial stress.

To solve the inadequacy of money, those with connections, that’s when they’ll borrow money from friends or relatives as a solution to the hard situation.

  1. Being Too Kind And Lenient

We live in a financial gimmick society and people from the city are believed to have money. Without financial discipline in the society, one can end up broke and even fail to fend food for his/her family. There are so many things and people in need in the society.

For instance, we have those with sick persons in hospital, those fetching school fees, religious activities such as fundraise to buy seats or instruments in the church among others. Yes, it’s good to help but don’t forget that you have a family too.

Many because of soft kind hearts and souls existing in them, even are making promises they don’t know where money will come from. Without financial discipline, wisdom and knowledge; running broke is not a mountainous thing. It’s as simple as blinking an eye.

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