“Be Pulled Down”: MCSK Boss Ezekiel Mutua Gives Verdict On ‘Yesu Ninyandue’ Song

Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) boss Ezekiel Mutua has issued his verdict on a blasphemous song dubbed Yesu Ninyandue.
Taking to his social media handle, Mutua has said the Ninyandue song alleged to be gospel be pulled down from all of Kenya’s digital media platforms.
No-nonsense MCSK boss has gone further and said the song mirrors the filthy minds of Kenya’s entertainment industry and how society is changing in terms of morals.
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“My attention has been brought to the overtly blasphemous song by one of our local artists. That kind of content should be pulled down from all digital media platforms with immediate effect.” MCSK boss says.
Going deeper into the well-being of society, Mutua has called upon netizens to sit down with their upcoming artists and educate them on religious boundaries and family guidelines on matters concerning fame, honour and respect.
“Such so-called artists come from families. Have relatives and close associates. You mean no one could counsel them and stop them from pushing that madness into the airwaves?” he posses.
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Following the Eldoret-based Kisii singer William Getumbe’s blasphemous and obscene song, Mutua has pointed out that there’s a need for artists and Content creators to be educated about the type of music, theme or content suitable to be fed by the public.
“We need to have a conversation with our content creators. It must be a candid conversation at all levels and sectors of society including the family, the community and country at large.
“We cannot allow this madness to become the norm. These are the kind of things that bring mockery to the faith and cause generalised condemnation of the faith.” He added.
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Getumbe while speaking to one media house, defended his song Ninyandue by claiming it was not about sex but just like the biblical Jesus, he was seeking God’s elevation in his spiritual and social life.
Apart from the Ninyandue song, Getumbe who doubles as a pastor released another controversial ‘gospel’ song named Nyonga na Mia which is in the public domain’s radar for judgment.