Home » Man Drags Dead Body Off Police Patrol Car and Eats It

The strange man jumped on the police patrol and started biting the dead body

Residents of Kayabwe Town Council, Kayunga District were gripped with fear after witnessing a strange man dragging off a dead body from a police patrol car and biting pieces off it.


According to onlookers, policemen who had made a stopover on their way to the mortuary attempted to stop the man who was now naked from devouring the corpse in vain.


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It took the effort of different men who were hitting him with big sticks to stop him from the barbaric act which saw him bite off the lips and part of the tongue from the deceased.


The residents who had converged in large numbers believed the man had been possessed by the spirit of cannibalism.


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“When they brought the dead body on that patrol, the man who was watching like the rest of us was unsettled. He was so powerful when we tried to stop him like night dancers,” an eyewitness said.


The body was of a one Florence whose husband only identified as Dan had strangled her to death and hid her body in their rental home and ran away.

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