Home » 400 Witchdoctors Burn Down Pentecostal Church In Religious Battle

400 Witchdoctors Burn Down Pentecostal Church In Religious Battle

400 Witchdoctors Burn Down Pentecostal Church In Religious Battle

The church that was burned was pastored by Pr. Kyagada Mark Paul from Waiswa Foundation Ministry. Photo courtesy

Police in Luuka has launched an investigation into nine shrines and one church that was burned amidst the religious battle between Christians and Traditional with doctors in the area.


The church that was burned was pastored by Pr. Kyagada Mark Paul from Waiswa Foundation Ministry and according to reports, he was taunting witch doctors, also burning down some of their shrines calling them agents of satan.


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After burning down the shrines, a group of about 400 witch doctors came together and attacked his church, burning it to the ground.


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The Ugandan police spokesperson SCP Fred Enanga revealed that investigations into the arson were still undergoing. A more twist in the case was when the K-9 dog was brought to the scene to help catch the culprits, it went up to the pastor’s premises.

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