Home » Pope Francis Has Allowed Catholic Priests To Bless Same- Sex Couples

Pope Francis Has Allowed Catholic Priests To Bless Same- Sex Couples

Pope Francis has given powers to Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples as one of his vision of “broadening” the church by accepting “sinners” to mingle with clean faithfuls.


The document signed by Pope Francis and submitted to Vatican on Monday, 18th December 2023; same-sex couples and irregular couples will be blessed by priests but not as part of regular church rituals.


The Vatican after receiving the signed document, claimed Pope approved what was not intended to but as a church, it will support his move to broaden the church by welcoming all.


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However, blessing of same-sex couples and irregular couples will not be part of regular church rituals under it’s doctrines or liturgies or at the same time as civil union.


Pope Francis’s claims to “broaden” the church or loosely ‘expand‘; comes from his sentiments “God welcomes all” promoting to the new reforms or changes.


Vatican Church Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez on his side, argues that Vatican Church will remain focused and strict towards marriage officiation where the holy book approves marriage between man and a woman.


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Pope Francis’s approval of same sex couple blessings is a shift from 2021 document which Vatican rulling doctrines barred any saying that “God cannot bless sin.”.

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