Home » Law Graduate Dons Graduation Gown At Mother’s Funeral
Law Graduate Dons Graduation Gown At Mother’s Funeral

I didn't have any better way to celebrate this milestone because this Graduation is yours, she wrote

A young woman moved social media to tears after she posted up sending off her mother on donned in her graduation gown.


Sabrina, a few months ago while writing her final law exam shared with her followers that her mother was admitted in hospital in a critical condition. She was later diagnosed with Dermatomyositis, a new disease that pushes the body to attack its organs and tissues.


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The family sought for Ugx. 20 million to help sponsor their ailing mom to be flown to Nairobi for urgent medical treatment.


Unfortunately, she passed away just a couple of days before she could witness her dream come true; that was seeing her daughter graduate.


Sabrina who graduated with an honors (Bachelor of Law) wrote an open letter to her late mother, posing in her graduation gown beside her casket.


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“…I didn’t have any better way to celebrate this milestone because this Graduation is yours and I’m happy that I was able to send you off in a gown you have toiled so hard for the last 25 years to get on my body.”


“The lady who you had pre ordered to bake Cake for my graduation and do decorations reached out to me two days ago and told me that she was willing to still do that for me and for free but I’m sorry mummy I won’t be contacting her.”


“My Graduation is everything about you and Sending you off in my gown gave me closure. Also mummy, Incase you didn’t notice my friends who you always talked to on the phone wore their gowns for you too on your Burial.”


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“So don’t worry about me Mummy! I got a Celebration and I’m still going to make you proud.”

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