Home » “Tumieni Juala;” Nyako Cautions Ladies Against P2 Consumption
"Tumieni Juala;" Nyako Cautions Ladies Against P2 Consumption

P2 haiwachangi mtu hivi hivi, Nyako cautioned

Nyako Pilot, German based Kenyan has cautioned ladies against  consumption of P2.


In her TikTok live session, Nyako recounted situations P2 nearly took her life if it were not for her foreign country.


She claimed her previous habit of consuming P2 not only nearly took her life but she also lost her fallopian tube.


“If you are used to taking P2 the faster you stop drinking that medicine, the better for you. “ She cautioned.


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P2 haiwachangi mtu hivu hivi. ..P2 causes Ectopic Pregnancy. The baby doesn’t get to the Uterus mtoto anabaki kwa fallopian tube.” She added.


Nyako further explained that when one gets Ectopic Pregnancy, it’s either the fallopian tube bursts or cut off.


And when it bursts you are dead. So choose. Choose wisely. You want to drink P2, endelea” she cautioned.


When she was used to P2 consumption, there came a time P2 took a toll on her life.


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I almost died. The thing that helped me? I was in Europe, I was rushed to the ICU and my fallopian tube was cut immediately coz I had lost a lot of blood.” She narrated


Nyako further urged the government to ban P2 use in the country to save lives of Kenyan ladies.


Government should do away with this medicine, coz it is causing havoc P2!!! ” She asserted in her live session.


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To Kenyan ladies, the Tiktoker advised them to withdraw from P2 or use other pregnancy prevention measures like condoms.


” It will destroy you, tumieni juala. If you don’t like that tumia withdrawal. Those other types, leave them alone” she advised.

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