Home » Kabarak University Students Seeks Justice For Student Knocked Down To Death By Police Car

Kabarak University Students Seeks Justice For Student Knocked Down To Death By Police Car

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Kenyans on X (KOX) are seeking justice for a varsity student who was involved in a road accident with a police car.


Joshua Plimo a first year student at Kabarak University was knocked down by a police car around the campus premise, losing his life.


In a report filed at Menengai Police Station under OB No. 02/19/2023 by Kabarak University student leadership, it’s reported Plimo died on 18th November, 2023 around 2200hrs.


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Following the case, Kenyans on X in collaboration with KUSO– Kabarak University Student Organization; they have written a statement seeking justice over the student’s death.


We want to unequivocally express our condemnation towards the flagrant disregard for public safety through dangerous driving. As members of this academic institution, we hope justice will be served to our brother “ the statement reads in part.


As the students’ body seek justice, it has also condemned the act alleged to be reckless driving by government civil servants demanding them to observe road safety guidelines.


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Plimo before his demise, was first year student in his second semester pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy.

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