Home » 2 Arrested For Kidnapping 4-Year-Old
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Police in Rubanda district have arrested two individuals for kidnapping a four-year-old child and asking the desperate parents for a ransom of $ 5,000.


The culpirits 35-year-old Lawrence Byamukama and Mbabazi Dinah who is presumed to be in her 50’s kidnapped the toddler (names have been withheld) on the 8th of November while he was on his way to school.


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According to Barugahare Abel, the DPC of Rubanda Police, the search for the missing child was immediately launched on the 9th and on 12th, the baby was rescued, leading to the arrest of the two culprits who were behind the kidnap.


“After arresting them they told us that they took the child because he is the only one from his parents and they are rich. So they needed to extract money from them to bring back the child,” Barugahare revealed.


The parents of the toddler Mahoro Dinah and John Mugisha narrated the ordeal they went through when they realized their only child was missing.


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When he got lost, we went to look for him at school in vain. We then put up a report at the police and they began the search,” Mugisha revealed.


The Deputy RDC Rubanda District Eric Ssewandigi stated that the culprits are to be arraigned in court


“We have them locked up at the station as we prepare for them to be brought before the judge to be charged with kidnap and extortion,” he said.

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By the time of their arrest, Byamukama and Mbabazi had taken Ugsh. 100,000 out of the $ 5,000 from the desperate parents.

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