Home » God Does Not Answer Prayers Of Debtors, Bishop Kwabena

As Kenya try to tame cult religions, one church preacher by name Bishop Kwabena Asiama has claimed God doesn’t answer prayers made by debtors.


Ghanaian clergy, Bishop Kwabena Boakye Asiama in an exclusive interview in Accra -based radio Kingdom FM, has further alleged God doesn’t listen to prayers of men who have sex with women without anything in return.


The Universal Spiritual Outreach founder claim debtors must first pay debts before submitting their prayers to God.


If you’re owing, stop praying. God does not answer prayers of debtors” claims the man of God.


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In the interview, popularly Ajagurajah alias Chopbar Sofo, further allege that when a person gets wealth through ungodly means especially those who oppress the poor, they also pay back through their children.


He claims that when they die or still living, their children are haunted by witches and wizards.


Bishop Kwabena Boakye Asiama|Photo Courtesy

Recently, the bishop hit the airwaves by alleging he doesn’t pray in the afternoon.


To him, God doesn’t answer in the afternoon because in the bible, there’s no place recorded Jesus prayed in the afternoon.


Chopbar Sofo claims he prays in the evening just like Jesus and when he prays in the afternoon, the angels aren’t around to take his prayers to heaven.

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