Home » Police Officer Shoots Dead Indian Moneylender

Police at the crime scene where Bhandari, the moneylender was shot dead

A police officer is on the run after shooting dead a money lender at Raja Chambers along parliamentary Avenue in Kampala City Center.


The deceased was an Indian National identified as Bhandari Uttam, a director of TFS Financial Services located in the same area.


According to Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson Onyango Patrick, the shooter, No.67029 PC Wabwire Ivan, visited TFS Services on Thursday to verify how much he owed them.


“He had come to the victim to get a quotation to take to an unidentified bank so that the bank would buy off the loan as alleged,” Onyango stated.


According to eyewitnesses, Wabwire reportedly started arguing and dismissing the amount that he was told.


In the CCTV footage inside the office obtained online, we see Wabwire fire the first bullet in the air before proceeding to shoot Bhandari. The shots scared the occupants in the office who scrambled through the door.


Wabwire followed them but later came back to pick his loan forms that were on the table. When he saw the victim still breathing and struggling for his life under the desk, he aimed and released another set of bullets that finished him off instantly before matching out.


After the incident, a team of police officers led by Kampala Metropolitan Commander SCP Tanui Steven condoned and documented the crime scene. Statements from different workers and key witnesses were taken to help with the case file.


According to the police statement, Bhandari was shot with an AK47 and after the shooting; Wabwire jumped on a motorcycle to Central Police Station. In the CCTV footage at CPS, he goes through the checkpoint of the building to the place where he is believed to have dropped his gun before fleeing.


The body of the deceased was taken to Mulago Mortuary while efforts to have the suspect arrested are underway.


“We condemn the act of using guns to solve problems. Instead, security personnel should use peaceful means to manage conflict,” Onyango said.

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