Home » 21 More Bodies Exhumed From Shakahola Forest

21 more bodies have exhumed today in the second phase of the ongoing search and rescue mission in Shakahola forest, in Kilifi County.


This brings the number of dead to people to 133.



Prof Kindiki who arrived in Shakahola to officially commune  the second phase of the exhumation of corpse in the forest allegedly owned by the controversial preacher Paul Mackenzie, has said that the government will use all available resources to find out what transpired that led to such magnitude of deaths



By the end of the first phase, 112 people had perished due to lack of food and water while others died due to lack of clean oxygen “believing they will meet Jesus.”


“I am afraid that there are more graves that should be unearthed. These events indicate that it is a planned murder,” said Minister Kindiki.



The CS added that as of today Tuesday, 20 more graves were being exhumed.



According to the minister, there is still a long way to go as various security units are busy inside the Shakahola death camp.


“We have added more officers, including those from the sniffer dog unit, to ensure that this activity is done well. And I promise you that no one will be left in the forest because we will make sure that we have found them all,” he emphasized.


In addition, Kindiki has said that, while the use of aircraft in search and rescue will be limited, the security agencies will use drones, which have already proven to be useful.


By the time CS Kindiki addressed the media on Tuesday, security forces had rescued five more people, bringing the total number of people rescued to 68.


“Since the beginning of this operation until now, 25 people have been arrested in connection with the murder and they will face various charges in court,” he said.


Prof  Kindiki urges families whose relatives have gone missing to report to the support center so that they can be identified easily.


Meanwhile, the Shakahola curfew from dusk to dawn continues to be enforced, with Minister Kindiki warning that anyone caught outside the curfew will be treated as a suspect.

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