Home » Luo Elders ”Curse” Anyone Participating In Demos

Luo Elders ”Curse” Anyone Participating In Demos

As the leader of opposition Raila Odinga and his brigade are making it to the streets for the second round of protests after pausing for about a month, elders from the Luo community have vowed to ‘’curse’’ anyone who responds to the call to protest.


The elders said they have given several warnings to the youth in the community not to protest but their requests have not been implemented.


In a statement aired by a local TV station, the elders said that anyone who responds to Odinga’s call to protest against the government will be subject to the ‘’severe curse’’.


“The elderly are known to be people who defend peace. We have already felt the danger and asked the youth not to protest,” said elder Nyandiko Ongadi who is the chairman of the Luo council of Elders.


The elders asked Luo community members to encourage their children not to get involved in the protest while also defending Ruto’s leadership.


“Kenya could plunge into chaos if the opposition continues with its protest plans,” Mr Ongadi said.


His deputy Thomas Achando called on his community members to work with the government if the issues that concern them are resolved.


“Let us use the opportunity of the rain to be productive and safe instead of going to the streets,” he said.


They suggested that Mr Odinga allow the team assigned to lead the bilateral talks to complete their work before the country has their results.


Their colleagues from the Suba community said they will use different means to get help from the government.


They have also condemned any acts of violence against the government saying that we will not add value to them, instead they will make them poorer. The elders spoke during a meeting at the council’s office in Sindo City

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