Home » Police Officer Killed By Mob Over Theft Allegations

Police in Budaka District are investigating the death of one of their officers killed by the mob who suspected him of being a thief.


The victim Waluku Sedulaki, a police constable No. 45549 attached to Naguru Headquarters was a resident of Lyama Village. It is said that Waluku was seen standing at the entrance of a store but when the owner identified as Okoboi Ivan came, the deceased fled the scene.


According to North Bukedi Police spokesperson Alaso Immaculate, Okoboi alarted the neighbors who attacked the officer and beat him to pulp on Saturday night.


By the time Wakulu identified himself as a police constable, it was already too late as the mob had severely beaten him.


Budaka Police was informed of the issue and rushed him to Budaka Health Center IV for medical attention but unfortunately passed on the next morning.


“As police, we strongly condemn mob action as means of administering justice to suspects. People should always jointly work with the police which is mandated to keep law and order rather than resorting to mob action. This is totally unacceptable and those implicated in inciting others will be dealt with accordingly. We continue to investigate every lead that we receive as we work to secure justice for the victim and his immediate family,” ASP Alaso further added.

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