Home » Family Man Loses Cool After Wife Left Him For A Witchdoctor

Family Man Loses Cool After Wife Left Him For A Witchdoctor

Residents in Nansana, Wakiso District were treated to a session of drama after a family man attacked a famous village witchdoctor who he accused of seducing and encouraging his wife to abandon their matrimonial home.


Hussein Mugalu, 35, revealed that his wife Juliet Nassali, 38, visited 40-year old John Kabonge’s shrine on Valentine’s Day eve for rituals to help her give birth after her pregnancy was overdue. After the alleged treatment, she never came back home.


Mugalu insists that they had been communicating on phone with his wife who she thought was still getting treatment before he was awakened by the reality that she had abandoned him and moved in with the witchdoctor.


When Hussein realized that his wife had left him, he decided to seek intervention from the traditional leaders and local community leaders after Kabonge who he confronted refused to heed to his warnings.


In his defense, Kabonge accused Mugalu of failing to take care of his wife. He said he had invested a lot in Nassali as a means of appreciation for the way she had been taking care of his home for the short time she had moved in.


“She used to do all the chores and take care of my home. Me as a traditional man, I could not fail to give her money to take care of herself as a sign of my appreciation for whatever she does for me.” Kabonge said.


Following the confrontation with the help of the leaders, Mugalu successfully retrieved his wife from Kabonge’s house but in the heat of the argument, the now embarrassed new mother blasted her husband, letting him know how he was not the biological father to their baby. She quickly asked Mugalu for a separation and returned to her mother’s home.

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