Home » Father Accused Of Kidnapping Seven Year Old Daughter

Nisha Amutuhirwe was reported missing on 18th March, 2023

A mother in Wamala Village, Nansana Wakiso District has filed a missing person’s case of her seven year old daughter and demanded the police to arrest her ex-husband on claims that he is responsible for the kidnap.


The disappearance of Nisha Amutuhaire, a top class pupil at Richie Nursery and Primary School was first reported to police on 18th March by her mother,- Lukia Nassanga. According to her statement, the child was picked up from her home in Nansana on Saturday evening by a male figure who she suspects to be her estranged ex-husband and biological father of the child, Mubori Japhari.


Lukia separated with the suspected kidnapper six years ago over irreconcilable differences and went on to marry another man. On that fateful day of the disappearance, witnesses claim they saw an unknown man standing by the fence calling upon Nisha who was in the company of her friends to go help him carry eggs. That was the last day she was ever seen.


Lukia revealed that when she got the news of her daughter’s disappearance, a lady in the neighborhood alerted her that she had noticed Nisha in company of an unknown man. The distraught mother went ahead to show the neighbor the picture of her ex-husband of which she confirmed that he was the man that took her daughter.


‘I got his picture from Facebook and showed it to my neighbour. She confirmed that he was the person who took my daughter. She was so sure about it” Lukia narrated.


She further states that she tried contacting Mubori and his relatives to inform them about the missing child but they paid her no mind, something that convinced her that they were aware of the kidnapping plot.


‘I alerted his family but they showed no concern. That is why I’m crying to the police to help me find my child. I have no peace of mind,’ Lukia cried out.


According to Lukia, she tried contacting her former husband who claimed he was in Busia to come to Kampala and search for their missing child, but he stated he had no transport.


“I sent him transport to come to Kampala but from that time, his phones went off and I have completely lost communication with him,” she said.


Before his phone went off, Mubori spoke to a local newspaper over a phone call and denied the allegations. He revealed he had not heard from his daughter and his ex-wife over the last one year.


Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigiye confirmed the missing person’s case and called upon members of the public with any information regarding the case to come forward to help in the search of Mubori who is suspected to be in the areas of Mbale.

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