Home » Kilifi ‘Killer’ Pastor Released On 10,000 Bail

Pastor Paul Makenzi (right) and his wife Joyce Mwikamba in a Malindi court/photo courtesy/

Human rights activists in Malindi have demanded the arrest of a controversial pastor who was released by a Malindi court on a Sh. 10,000 bond arguing that his release will interfere with investigations.


Pastor Paul Mackenzie Nthenge of Good News International Church is alleged to have forced his congregants to fast to death starting with children then women and finally men with the promise that they will die peacefully before the world is cursed by God.


Activists led by Mathias Shipeta of Haki Afrika said that the pastor with the help of his followers are planning to exhume the bodies before the police do.


”We know there are plans of exhuming the bodies of the children to conceal evidence.We want the police to move with speed to address the matter”


Shipeta also warned the community to shun away from the pastors teachings terming it radicalization.


Victor Kaudo of Malindi Human rights center said that there are more children who had died under the same circumstances and their bodies were buried in shallow graves .


”There are more bodies ,though the police have only confirmed two”.


He has also called on the National council of churches of Kenya[NCCK ]to crack down on fake evangelists .


A government pathologist is expected today to conduct a Postmortem on the remains of the exhumed children to establish what exactly caused their deaths.


In 2017, pastor Pastor Paul Mackenzie was arrested for allegedly preaching radical Christian and Islamic teachings to school children in his church.


When the Police raided the church they managed to rescue about 50 students who had abandoned their homes to follow the pastor’s teachings.

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