Angels Greet Me Then I Say, Aminaa, Claim Yesu Wa Tongaren

Mwalimu Yesu, real name Eliud Simiyu has again hit the media airwaves ahead of Easter by claiming he saw angels greeting him when seated on his mat under a tree.
This comes two days after disclosing to journalists that whoever plans to nail him or perhaps crucify him on Easter, will be visited by God and get themselves confused on Easter.
“The old man (God) told me they will dream of hammering nails on the cross while in their sleep and wake up confused about why their arms are still moving,” he said.
On Wednesday morning when speaking to another group of journalists, the self acclaimed Jesus claimed he saw angels dressed decently and greeting him.
“Nilikuwa nimekaa kwa mkeka wangu chini ya mtu na nikaona mbingu imefunguka.
“Mbingu inafunguka saa tatu mpaka saa sita mchana.
“Nilikuwa naona mbingu ikifunguka, manabii wengi wa mbinguni wakishuka wakija kunisalimia hivi …
“Salamu zako Mwana wa baba Mungu?
” Nasema, Aminaaa
” Ukiwaona kwa mavazi, unashangaa…
” Huyu akipita mwingine anaingia akisalimu
” Salamu zako Mwana wa Mungu?
Simply, Mr Simiyu father of eight say the decently dressed and shining angels were greeting him in turns as he responds by saying; let it be – amen.
As Easter continue to knock at the door, many are yet to come from Yesu wa Tongaren