Home » Rachel Ruto Launches Digital Literacy Training Program For Several Women Groups

Rachel Ruto Launches Digital Literacy Training Program For Several Women Groups

First Lady, Mama Rachel Ruto on Monday 6th  March officially launched the “DIGITAL SKILLS LITERACY PROGRAM”, in partnership with Computers for Schools Kenya in Nairobi’s Embakasi East Constituency.


Today’s Launch is in line with the 2023 International Women’s Day, theme: “Digital Innovation and technology for gender equality”, a powerful declaration aimed at leaving no woman left behind in the digital revolution. Mama Rachel said The training targets to train women in 500 women groups in Nairobi, before the program is rolled out in the other 46 counties.


The training will further enable the targeted women to access online services including the more than 5,000 government processes and services set to be digitised by June 2023.


“The Covid-19 crisis taught us the importance of going digital in business, relationships, worship, and even family meetings. During the lockdowns, digital innovation enabled many essential services to withstand disruptions,” said the First Lady.


Also in attendance was the Principal Secretary for Information and Communication Technology and Digital Economy Eng. John Tanui, the chairman of Computers for Schools Kenya, Dr. Tom Musili, and the Deputy County Commissioner for Njiru Sub County, Mr. James Chacha.

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