Home » Father,45, Defile, Impregnates 14 Year Old Daughter

Police in Kasangati are holding a 45 year old father for allegedly defiling and impregnating his teenage biological daughter.


Lusimbo Lawrence who also acts as a village defense in Kibibi is accused of committing this abomination while the 14 year old was on her holidays.


Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango in a phone call confirmed Lawrence’s arrest as they carry on with the investigations.


“It is said that this father defiled his own daughter multiple times and we have more problems because now the young girl is pregnant. Our investigations are ongoing and we are working on our file.” Onyango stated.


The teenager whose identity is kept is currently staying with her maternal grandmother, Nakaggwa Hadijjah Kibibi, Nansana Municipality narrated her ordeal and she tried to fight off Lusimbo.


“When my dad started defiling me, he always sent my siblings on useless errands. He called me in the house and said that sleeping on me was him performing rituals.” She said,


The grandmother says that she first rubbished her grandchild’s accusations until she took the child to Bombo Hospital and confirmed the reports.


“She first lied to me, mentioning two young boys claiming to be responsible. She stayed behind with her teachers as I was picking her from school and confided in her teachers that her father was responsible for the abominable act.” Hadijjah said.


According to the teenager, this was not the first time her father was defiling and impregnating her as the very first time it happened, she got pregnant and Lusimbo forced her to abort. She says she is willing and ready to go back to school once she puts to bed.


The child’s grandfather Nakibinge Khassim strongly condemned this act and begged the people responsible for children’s rights to help the family fight for justice.

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