Home » Kenyan Rugby Star Willy Ambaka To Leave The Pitch

Kenya Rugby star, Willy Ambaka is set to hang his boots from the pitch after playing for a period not less than a decade.

In a statement he shared on Thursday, Ambaka says when he was young, he used to dream of achieving some big things which he has achieved them but never thought of the highs and lows.


“While it has been a tremendous journey, now it is time to pull the curtains on my International Rugby 7s journey. This is why I have come to the decision that I will be playing my final leg in Sydney this season.


“Whether off the pitch or on the pitch, I hold many experiences close to my heart some of which include winning the final in Singapore in 2016, playing in two Olympic Games, two Commonwealth Games and three Rugby 7s World Cups” Says Ambaka.


The 32- year- old star has played for the Kenya Rugby Union for a period of 13 years and won many trophies and accolades from the pitch.


He made his first entry into rugby career in 2010 for Kenya Harlequins and his first debut into Kenya National Rugby Seven’s team in 2011 during the Hong Kong tournament.


Before his exit from the pitch, in his statement he notes that even though African parents don’t believe in sports career and take it professional, his prowess in sports has impacted the lives of many.


Although professional sports isn’t always seen as a career by many African parents, I am grateful to have shown many people that they can build successful career playing professional sports and traveling the world” Ambaka says.


As he is set to leave the pitch, the Shujaa player has not only shined in Kenya but internationally for instance in France.


He says, he’s forever in-depth happy for leaving the pitch with a smile and many memories.


From me, I am leaving with a big smile and the memories and friendships of a lifetime,” he added.

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