Anthony Wekesa: Niko Na Watoto Ishirini, Mambo Ya Kupanga Uzazi Sipendi

Anthony Wekesa: Niko Na Watoto Ishirini, Mambo Ya Kupanga Uzazi Sipendi| screengrab
Antony Wekesa a Kakamega man is living in the dark days of illiteracy where he hopes to get 22 children.
Speaking to one media outlet in Western Kenya, Centrix Wekesa revealed that despite having 20 children, her husband wants two more.
She added that at the time of the interview, she had carried a 3-month pregnancy because her husband hates family planning.
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According to Centrix Wekesa, her husband Wekesa once assaulted her for attempting to go for family planning.
“Niliweka sindano ya miaka tatu na nilipokuja, alikasirika na kunipiga hadi nikarejea wakanitoa sindano naye akamgombeza nesi” she argued.
Further, she disclosed that despite her pleas to update him on the current economy and her health status, her husband always goes against her request by wanting more children.
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At one time, she revealed that she brought some condoms to her husband but rather than using them during intimacy to prevent unwanted pregnancies, he took the condoms and disposed them to the toilet.
“Siku nyingine nikaja na trust na akarusha kwa choo akasema hawezi akatumia trust.” She added.
Mr Wekesa on the other hand alleged he desires to sire 22 children from his one wife because children are blessings in a family.
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“Niko na watoto ishirini. Mambo ya bibi kupanga uzazi sitataki. Nataka tu aongeze. Ukikosa watoto wanakucheka.” Wekesa alleged.
Yearly, Wekesa impregnates his wife without taking into consideration their future but he’s driven by old traditional beliefs and pressure where children are signs of prestige in society.