Home » Apostle Selman: 2024 Will Be A Year Of Turbulence, Challenges
Apostle Selman: 2024 Will Be A Year Of Turbulence, Challenges

I am not a prophet of doom, Joshua Selman said

As citizens across the world excitingly wait to see the year 2024 with a sect yet to declare it their year,  Apostle Joshua Selman has made a disturbing prophecy.


According to the viral man of God, the upcoming year will be marred with ‘suffering’ urging people to tread carefully and spend wisely this December.


While disputing being a prophet of doom, Apostle Selman tells believers to prepare as God reveals things before time to ease preparation.

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“I saw something about next year (2024) that will make you need this message because what I saw is going to be a time of turbulence and serious challenge for believers.”


“I’m not a prophet of doom. My teaching grace is enough for me. I mustn’t prophesy but if I open my mouth and tell you something, just believe it.”


“So, when God brings things like this, He is redeeming the future. There is something He has seen.”


To support the prophecy, he claims having seen companies going down as others lost jobs.

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“I saw many people folding their companies with  fathers and mothers losing jobs at a time not even knowing what to do. PTA meetings happening and teachers are saying, ‘You cannot drive our children, why don’t you structure the payment?


Selman says he was perturbed by the vision and for a moment wondered what it meant.


He further notes the respect he has for his Maker stating that he would never lie before men when it comes to prophecies.


“When I saw that vision my heart (bleeds) and I said, ‘Lord what’s the meaning of this?


“I’m not a prophet of doom and I respect God, myself and your trust for me. So, if I stand here (pulpit) and tell you things, especially when I’m prophesying, I make sure I know what  I’m saying.

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“When God shows things like this is not to put fear but He is showing it so that believers (Christians) can prepare”


“There are people who are going to spend all they have in December and suffer in January. Spending everything to get back to suffering is not a wise bargain”


His Prophecy elicited mixed reactions online as a majority declared for themselves good things as sampled below:


Blessed: The year 2024 will favour me and my entire household in Jesus Mighty Name


Lola Olayinka:2024 will favour me and my family in Jesus name


Sandra Robert Christopher:Me and my family are redeemed to flourish in hard times!



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