Home » Men Claim Graveyards, Mortuary, Funerals, Hospitals, Crime Scenes Best Places For First Dates

Men Claim Graveyards, Mortuary, Funerals, Hospitals, Crime Scenes Best Places For First Dates

Men Claim Graveyards, Mortuary, Funeral, Hospitals, Crime Scenes; Best Places For First Dates

Image depicting a date/Image courtesy

Old school students are finding it difficult to understand both millennial and Gen Z men and women.



The two who are finding solace in weird environments for dates especially men, leaving women in utter shock not to know what they want in life.



The slang Fear Men has been proven correct by one international online media where men have suggested graveyards, funerals, crime scenes and mortuary as best preferable places to go for a first date.



To women, many have preferred ice-skating, cool restaurants, ocean/ sea breeze places, nature walks in forests and parks as their lovely preferable places to be taken on a first date.

List of places acceptable by men of first dates/photo credit: pubity media

This has raised a contradictory moments with men where some women have vowed to stay single if only available men prefer weird places for first dates.



However, according to Gen Z and Millennial men, places like hospitals are good because they’re expensive.



They claim restaurants are no longer expensive. Going for a first date at a crime scene, men argue that the place is kept memorable and also, depicts the preciousness of life.


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Cemetery implies or is a symbolic of how marriage or love should be. In case of waging war or under temper, one should remain silent and work on the temerity politely.



Which places are acceptable for first date? Here controversial opinions from men according to the international online media


Maicodguan: Her: hey babe where do you want to go ?
                 Me: To the graveyard 🤞


Armaan_blackout ; “Hospital since it’s expensive”


Emredemyrci; He’s just damn romantic if he takes you to a graveyard because it means that he’s planning a lifetime with you and graveyard will be the last place that you two will be together and he wants it to be the first place too. He’s thinking deep. You people are shallow.It’s cycle of life.


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Claudiarkirkby; Go to the graveyard so you can be ghosted yet again


Tavanij; If she ain’t dead, I don’t want her


Anoussshka; If he doesn’t wanna smoke in an empty graveyard with meI wouldn’t even want him

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