Man Digs Own Grave In Kakamega

A man,24, has shocked residents of Navakholo Constituency, Kakamega County after digging his own grave.
Francis Chebuche, claims her dead Grandfather and aunt appeared to him asking him to be with them.
It was then that the young man chased away his wife and child and brought down his house before embarking on digging the grave and placing a white piece of cloth and flowers around it.
He is also reported to have instructed either him or a member of his extended family to be buried in it before the day ends.
According to area residents at the scene, Chebuche said it was either him or somebody else from his family who was yet to die.
” He said it was either him or somebody else from the family going to die,” one resident narrated
The residents however attribute the behaviour to drugs that he has been using.
“Before taking alcohol, he is fine; he speaks and reasons well but after consumption, he starts talking of death and weird dreams” a resident explained.
Another resident recounts of his strength.
“He has some kind of extra-ordinary energy and with it, he can kill an individual”
Chebuche was arrested and is currently in police custody helping in investigations.